Day 4
Daily hours: 7
Total hours: 24 1/2
Today was a long one! Proctor was celebrating Earth Day today so neither Heidi nor Rosanna was in the library with me. I started off the day by heading to the back room to finish off the two shelves I had left. It went by pretty quick and in about an hour I had finished. I then moved those books onto the main library shelves but the work wasn't done here. Those sixteen shelves of books that we started with on day one in the archive were just the ones that could fit. That meant that there were more even books to pull from the rest of the library!
Knowing this I grabbed a rolling cart and started going through every aisle of the library with a checklist. I grabbed every book that I saw that was related to Native Americans. Once I finished grabbing books from the first and second floor, I headed to the back to sort them. The total amount of books I pulled filled three shelves. Many of the books on the list were about westward expansion, Lewis and Clark, and colonial America. Although these books mentioned Native Americans they weren't the right topics for the collection. I took the organized books to the main shelves and the rest of my day was spent figuring out which teachers include Native American topics in their curriculums. The best way for me to decide which books to keep on display is to figure out what students are most likely to reach for. If a curriculum/teacher asks students to focus specifically on contemporary Native American issues then I should keep those books where people can see them. If they ask for information on wars and warfare that should be displayed. Hopefully, I can get some answers from teachers soon so that I can move on to the next steps of my senior project. It seems as of right now that I have looked through all the books in the Lovejoy Library about Native Americans and put them into categories. If there are more that I need to look at I will find out tomorrow from Heidi. If I am correct then it is all about making the most aesthetically pleasing and organized collection display.
Sounds like a productive day, Samantha. I love your thoughtful approach to this project.